Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What age can my child sign up for drivers’ education?

A: A teen can sign up at the age of 15 years and 6 months to start the class but must obtain their temporary permit before starting the driving portion of driver’s education.

Q: Can the 8-hour driving behind the wheel be done in one day?

A: No, they are broken up into 4 separate days and each drive will be in 2-hour increments.

Q: Can we purchase additional drive times with an instructor once the student has finished the course?

A: Yes, contact us and we will be glad to help you with the additional hours you would like to purchase.

Q: How soon will we receive a completion certificate once my child is done with the course?

A: A certificate will be issued and emailed each Wednesday, once they complete the final drive.

Q: Can we use the driver’s ed car for our student’s driver test?

A: Yes, for a fee of $100 you can use the vehicle for your student’s test. We will pick them up one hours before their test which will allow them to drive a bit, practice maneuverability, and then off to the testing site for their test. You can meet us at the BMV, or we will drop off student back at home. You and your child can then venture back to the BMV to receive their license.

Q: Do you offer an online portion of driver education?

A: We are happy to announce we have joined forces with for an online partnership. We are currently working to get this added to our website, but for the time being you can contact us to sign up and we can send you the link. If you have any other questions about how this works, contact our office or send us an email under our contact us tab.

Q: Can you schedule your driving test before 8-hr instruction drives are completed?

A: No, unfortunaetly drives can be cancelled due to unforseen circumstances. We are not here to teach for your driver’s test, we are here to teach you a life skill. It’s best to wait til all 8-hrs are completed.

Monday-Saturday Call for Appointment



Monday-Wednesday 2pm-6pm

Thursday & Friday 2pm-6pm

Saturdays 10am-12pm

Sundays OFF


Mondays-Saturdays 9am-9pm

Sundays OFF